The VH system is based on the fact that everything is vibration. Everything about you is carried in the sound of your voice. It is your template of perfection that can become distorted over time, causing emotional and physical imbalances.
Note: Voice Analysis is also included in the 60-minute Chakra Balancing session.
45 MINUTES | $80
The VA system is a unique diagnostic, screening tool which assesses both an individual's physical and emotional energetics, and the relationship between the two. This relationship is important in determining lifestyle changes because it is often the emotions which affect physical balance and vice versa
Based on Detailed Research, the VA system is based on more than 2 decades of research. Over many years of doing voice analyses on people with different issues, patterns of frequencies became apparent. Missing or low frequencies correspond to specific weaknesses in organs and body systems, as well as emotions. Higher frequencies correspond to backup systems and inflammation or infection.​​
The Remedy
The remedy is to play back the missing frequencies into the body to balance it out. It is similar to vitamin therapy – if you are missing a vitamin in the body, you take that vitamin so you have a good balance of all frequencies in the body – so energy can then flow through your whole system.
Toning (singing a vowel at that note) is even more effective than just listening to a song in the key you are missing.
The basic idea is that every issue physically and emotionally is supported by a frequency landscape within your whole system. It doesn't mean that you actually have a certain issue when that landscape is present, but it could lead to that issue manifesting in your system. Your voice reflects that frequency landscape. By listening to sounds or music and/or toning in a certain key, you break up that frequency landscape and the issue can no longer exist.
The Assessment
You will speak into a microphone and the computer analyzes what notes you sing as you speak. Everybody sings when they speak. A healthy person hits all the notes of the scale when they sing as they speak. A person who is dying stays on only one note as they speak… because they don’t have enough energy to make to the other notes.
The software then analyzes the sound of your voice to see what notes are missing, and what notes are too high (sung too much).
Fueled by electro-magnetic energy and organized according to a unique DNA blueprint, the various organs, glands and systems of the human body are meant to function independently, yet as a whole. The heart, lungs, pancreas and nervous system all have specialized jobs requiring specialized resources. However, to maintain health, all systems and organs must be in constant communication and interacting equitably. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop, first presenting warning symptoms and then more severe challenges.
The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. In other words, each organ has its own keynote frequency that resonates to the particular nutrients, minerals and sound vibration required for function. As an example, the colon vibrates to the note of B, while the liver vibrates to the note of G. Fortunately, for our sanity, the frequencies of our organs and systems function outside the range of human hearing. There are in all, 12 keynote frequencies present in the human body:
The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music. And just as the note of C appears several times on a piano keyboard at varying octaves, the note of C appears many times in the body. The voice, being the composite sound of the human being, is representative of all of the frequencies in the body.
When an individual experiences pain, health challenges, physical deterioration or inflammation, it is because the balance of frequencies has been disturbed or interrupted by discordance. There is always an underlying cause and effect. Determining the cause that is creating the effect has long been the primary challenge of medical science. Because an individual's frequencies are scanned and measured through VA system, this new technology can be an invaluable, non-invasive diagnostic tool.​​​​​