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Master Shamanic Reiki Sessions with Kristi Lumina

Master Shamanic Reiki sessions may include chakra system clearing and balancing, removal of blockages and traumas, balancing energetic fields, use of crystals on the body, fragrant oils. Shamanic sound healing modalities may include drumming, rattles, tuning forks, singing bowl and channeled toning (song

without words).

About the Sessions:


Master Shamanic Reiki sessions may include chakra system clearing and balancing, removal of blockages and traumas, balancing energetic fields, use of crystals on the body, fragrant oils. Shamanic sound healing modalities may include drumming, rattles, tuning forks, singing bowl and channeled toning (song

without words).

Energetic clearings and realignment of the energetic systems, removal of energetic blockages, emotional trauma release and more, utilizing crystals, sound healing and inner vision while connecting with guides and spiritual supporters.


Benefits may include: a sense of calm peace and balance, pain relief, clarity, increased energy, intuitive messages and insights.

Clients most frequently report feeling lighter, happier, clearer, more energized after sessions.



Same day appointments can be scheduled directly with Kristi by texting her at




About Kristi Lumina

Originally from Austin Texas, currently enjoying the wonders of beautiful Sedona, Kristi is an energetic practitioner and artist. She is an avid lover

of nature and explorer of Mother Earth. A Spiritual seeker and lover of life!


Kristi offers a blend of Reiki and Shamanic Spiritualist energy services, combined with intuitive insights and a multitude of metaphysical practices.

She holds two Reiki Master Teacher certifications as well as years of training in Spiritualist Shamanic healing modalities, as well as mediumship and a variety of metaphysical practices. She is also a licensed minister.


She also offers hands on or touch free sessions as well as distance services, all equally effective!


Here to anchor The Light and help create Heaven on Earth!

$122.00 Kristi accepts Cash, Zelle and Venmo payments!

For additional services, she can be reached at: 512-909-9180


SVHT services do not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional.

Information provided has not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization, including the FDA. 
We can legally say that the treatments do provide relaxation and stress relief, which has been shown to be a contributor to most issues emotionally and physically. 

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